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Closed Why you are special.

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Oct 10, 2016
Everybody in this world sometimes come down, sometimes they go up and then they go down again. So basically life is like a rollercoaster, but the thing is not everyone thinks they can go up higher. Why? Ok see the problem here is negativity. Negativity is a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical. It's a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst. Negativity can lead to us to thinking we are just lost souls wanderig aimlessly in this world, nothing special about that, but Hey! Do not ever think like that. I tell you I went to that part in my life and solely I regret rethinking about it. Why? Because I knew I was special. Not only me, but everyone. Why? First You are LOVED by God. Of course everyone in this world is loved by God. Be it a sinner,murderer,hater,righteous,holy,hypocrite,pharisee,traitor basically everyone. But why are these people also loved by God? Well basically God created them at first right? But why are some of them evil and sinful? Well obviously following evil is their choice, and since they follow that they are given a chance to see how beautiful Righteousness is and another chance to change their choice into following righteousness instead of evil. Also they are tricked by heir curious minds, selfish knowledge and by Satan. Even though they may be evil , still God loves them for they will learn about the truth and still follow him and glorify him.
Second You are SAVED by God. Every human is actually a sinner. From birth ti'll death everyone on Earth dies a sinner. Through Jesus Christ we we're saved and we became God's children. Being SAVED is quite special right? Moving on. You are CHOSEN by God. Well God always have a plan for us to do. We are chosen by him for us to cleanse this world of Darkness. As it is said in Matthew 5:13-16: 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. We are the salt of the Earth. But why does the world need salt? Well obviously as it is mentioned by Jesus: The world is like a rotting meat. What does salt do to meat?It preserves the meat (obviously) . We are also the light of the world. Again Why does the world need a light if it already has a Star around it? Well if you try to comprehend it spiritually . The world is full of darkness as mentioned before. There is evil everywhere from homes, urbans, rural areas, typically everywhere even in churches there are evil people. Well since we are Chosen by God. We must also try to save our world. And our fellow brethren. Moving on to number 4. You are EMPOWERED by God. Well who else knew that we were empowered by God? Okay. We are Empowered by God , obviously because everytime we make good choices or good actions God gives us blessings and happiness. Mostly only few notice it, but it is very good. Okay let us go to the last part. You are CALLED by God. Most of us came to point of being called by someone right? Same is to being called by God. We are called by him for us to do his bidding, to glorify him and to make the right decision. Well, being Called is such an opportunity. We get know God more, Get along with him and Praise him. God always calls for us and we answer back. Well, most of us. Also We call for God everytime whenever we need help, guidance or protection. So it is just natural if God calls us. Anyway this is all for now. See you again soon and don't forget never ever think that you are not special God Loves you Amen. God bless you my brothers and sisters may you endure your life well!
Let The Poster of the devil's laugh be consumed by the devil himself if he wants to. This post is not for him, but for almost everybody created by the Lord.
God dwells in light and holiness,
In splendor and in might;
It's godly fear of His great power
That helps us do what's right. -D. De Haan
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