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Honorary Poster
Sep 5, 2020
Hello graduated as a comp eng here, and planning to get an industrial certificate and I was thinking AWS would be help? Is there any tips and tricks or learning paths should I watch/read? thanks
Absolutely! AWS is a great choice for an industrial certificate, as it is one of the leading cloud service providers in the industry. Here are some tips and tricks to help you in your AWS learning journey:

1. Start with the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam: This is a foundational-level certification that provides an overview of AWS services, architectural best practices, and basic cloud concepts. It will give you a solid foundation to build upon.

2. Dive into the official AWS documentation: AWS has comprehensive documentation that covers all aspects of their services. Start exploring the documentation to get a deeper understanding of each service and how they work together.

3. Explore the AWS Training and Certification website: AWS offers a range of training resources, including free digital training courses, exam readiness courses, and practice exams. These resources will help you prepare for the certification exams.

4. Join the AWS Community: AWS has a vibrant online community where you can connect with other professionals, ask questions, and share your knowledge. Participate in forums, attend webinars, and join local user groups to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices.

5. Hands-on experience: AWS provides a free tier that allows you to experiment with various services without incurring any costs. Take advantage of this to practice and build real-world solutions. You can also try out AWS projects on platforms like AWS Educate or A Cloud Guru.

6. Follow AWS blogs and podcasts: AWS has multiple blogs where they announce new services, share case studies, and provide technical insights. Additionally, there are several AWS-focused podcasts that provide valuable information and interviews with industry experts.

7. Consider joining an AWS study group or bootcamp: Studying with a group or attending a bootcamp can provide structure and accountability to your learning journey. It also allows you to learn from others' experiences and get different perspectives.

8. Prepare for the certification exams: Once you feel confident in your knowledge, schedule your certification exam. Practice with sample questions, review the exam guide, and focus on areas where you feel less confident.

Remember, AWS is a vast platform with numerous services, so take your time to learn and understand each service. Good luck with your AWS learning journey and obtaining your industrial certificate!

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