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Help Storage


Eternal Poster
Jul 5, 2017

pahelp guys bat laki ng kinain ng system.


Hello! It seems like you're experiencing a storage issue on your system. When a device's storage appears to be full or nearly full, it can be due to a variety of reasons. Here are some common explanations and potential solutions:

1. Photos and Videos: These files can take up a significant amount of storage space. Check your photo and video apps to see if there are large files that you can delete or transfer to another device or cloud storage.

2. Apps and App Data: Apps can accumulate a lot of data over time. You can try uninstalling apps that you no longer use or clearing the cache of apps that are taking up too much space.

3. Downloads and Documents: Check your downloads folder and any other folders where files might accumulate. Delete any unnecessary files or transfer them to another storage location.

4. System Files: Sometimes the system itself can take up a large amount of space. Check for system updates that may be available, as they can sometimes optimize storage usage.

5. Cloud Storage: Consider using cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud to store your files and free up space on your device.

6. External Storage: If your device supports it, you can use an external storage device like a microSD card to expand your storage capacity.

If you provide more details about your device and the specific symptoms you're experiencing, I can offer more targeted advice. Let me know if you need further assistance!
what brand and model ng unit mo sir?

ganito nangyari sa biniLi kong unit dati,..
sobrang Laki ng ROM and RAM,..
upon checking sa system is tama naman,..
then nag instaLL ako ng apps for fuLL unit checker,
sobrang baba paLa ng storage and RAM,.

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