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Closed Perfect tool for bugging [a must try]

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Forum Master
Sep 22, 2012
No hassle ang pagbug kung meron ka nito

the screenshot shows the EASY UAT BUG TOOL paired
with pinger.bat (pag may reply na ang pagping;
it means successful na ang pagbug) and no need
na ang pag status para masigurado..

Perfect match din ito para
Oneshot bugging tools v2.9 ni sir jehadhd

almost all buggers want to make sure
whether their sim is already bugged or not yet..

one of the MOST POPULAR
bugging tool nowadays is the
ONE SHOT by Jehadd which requires us
to check status or try to browse..

with browse meaning.. SUCCESFULL
no browse meaning.. TRY AGAIN

sometimes you are required to ping a website
to check connectivity.. (most effective for me)

but only few bugging tools have this..

you can automate this routine using a batch file..

Just DOWNLOAD the attachment
and run it before you start with your
bugging procedures with your favorite
bugging tool without PING capability..
the screenshot shows the EASY UAT BUG TOOL paired
with pinger.bat (pag may reply na ang pagping;
it means successful na ang pagbug) and no need
na ang pag status para masigurado..

Perfect match din ito para
Oneshot bugging tools v2.4 ni sir jehadhd

almost all buggers want to make sure
whether their sim is already bugged or not yet..

one of the MOST POPULAR
bugging tool nowadays is the
ONE SHOT by Jehadd which requires us
to check status or try to browse..

with browse meaning.. SUCCESFULL
no browse meaning.. TRY AGAIN

sometimes you are required to ping a website
to check connectivity.. (most effective for me)

but only few bugging tools have this..

you can automate this routine using a batch file..

Just DOWNLOAD the attachment
and run it before you start with your
bugging procedures with your favorite
bugging tool without PING capability..
pan0 i dl.?
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