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ODB for today : Stolen Gods.


Forum Guru
Feb 21, 2013
You have struggled with God and with humans and have overcome.
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A carved wooden figure—a household god—had been stolen from a woman named Ekuwa, so she reported it to the authorities. Believing they had found the idol, law enforcement officials invited her to identify it. “Is this your god?” they asked. She said sadly, “No, my god is much larger and more beautiful than that.”

People have long tried to give shape to their concept of deity, hoping for a handmade god to protect them. Perhaps that’s why Jacob’s wife Rachel “stole her father’s household gods” as they fled from Laban (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.). But God had His hand on Jacob, despite the idols hidden in his camp (v. 34).

Later, on that same journey, Jacob wrestled all night with “a man” (32:24). He must have understood this opponent was no mere human, because at daybreak Jacob insisted, “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (v. 26). The man renamed him Israel (“God fights”) and then blessed him (vv. 28–29). Jacob called the spot Peniel (“face of God”), “because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared” (v. 30).

This God—the one true God—is infinitely larger and more beautiful than anything Ekuwa could have ever imagined. He can’t be carved, stolen, or hidden. Yet, as Jacob learned that night, we can approach Him! Jesus taught His disciples to call this God “our Father in heaven” (You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.).
Cool story.. but it does not paint the whole picture.

The idea of a "father in heaven" was not Jesus' idea (if he was a real person at all). This idea was adapted from the so-called pagans. The god considered the "king of all gods" to the Greeks was Zeus (Theus) and to the Roman was Jupiter (Iuipitter). These two names were believed to both derived from an earlier proto-indo-europian god Dyeu-pater, which literally means "sky father". This idea of a god spreads so far as Indian Hindus, they had a god named Dyauspitar.

Then after the death of Jesus, some written text that were compiled to the New Testament were written in Koine greek where the word "god" is written as "theos", which is the greek word for god to this day. When it was latinized, the word "deus" was used instead. Which is literally and directly related to the sky in etimology.

In fact, even YHWH of the Jews was believed to actually be another pagan warrior-storm god, who was worshipped alongside other gods like El, Baal.. etc.


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