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Help Build DIY E-Loading Kiosk


Hi! Can anyone help to start building an E-Loading kiosk like in 711 kiosk but for me if the user input his/her mobile # it will automatically loaded in his/her mobile account i preffer online when loading coz i will use Maya Business account when using this kiosk so that even if i'm away my business is continue.Thank You! 👽
Hello! Building an E-Loading kiosk that automatically loads the user's mobile number when inputted sounds like a great project. To achieve this, you would need to integrate with a payment gateway and an API provided by your network provider to facilitate the mobile load transactions.

Here are the general steps you can follow to start building your E-Loading kiosk:

1. Set up a Web Application: You can create a web application where users can input their mobile number and select the amount they want to load.

2. Payment Gateway Integration: Integrate a payment gateway to process the transactions securely. You can use payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or any other that supports your country and currency.

3. Mobile Network Provider API Integration: Contact your mobile network provider to inquire about their API for mobile top-up services. You will need to integrate their API into your system to initiate the mobile load transactions.

4. User Authentication and Authorization: Implement a secure login system for your kiosk to ensure that only authorized users can access and use the service.

5. Database Management: Set up a database to store user information, transaction history, and other relevant data securely.

6. User Interface Design: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for your kiosk to make it easy for users to input their mobile number and select the desired load amount.

7. Testing and Launch: Test the functionality of your E-Loading kiosk thoroughly to ensure that it works seamlessly. Once everything is working as expected, you can launch your kiosk for public use.

Remember to comply with any legal requirements and regulations related to financial transactions and data privacy in your area. Good luck with your project, and feel free to ask if you need any further assistance! 👽

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