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Catch me if you can

Film Analysis Paper

How to make one:

Write your initial thoughts and opinions about the film.

See how your film connects to your module

•Summarise your plot

Wite quick descriptions of the main/important characters:

Jot down the film's themes (Some common themes in literature are "love," "war." "revenge," "betrayal," patriotism" "grace," "isolation," "motherhood," forgiveness, wartime loss," "treachery," "rich versus poor," "appearance versus reality," and "help from other worldly powers.")
"Catch Me If You Can" is a captivating film based on the real-life story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a young con artist who successfully posed as a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer, all while forging checks worth millions of dollars. The film delves into themes of deception, identity, and the pursuit of one's dreams, all set against the backdrop of a cat-and-mouse chase between Abagnale and an FBI agent, Carl Hanratty.

In terms of connections to different modules, the film can be analyzed through the lens of psychology, sociology, criminology, and ethics. Psychologically, it explores the motivations behind Frank Abagnale Jr.'s actions and the impact of his tumultuous upbringing on his choices. Sociologically, it raises questions about societal structures that allow someone like Abagnale to manipulate systems and people so effectively. From a criminological perspective, the film provides insights into the techniques of white-collar criminals and the challenges faced by law enforcement in catching them. Ethically, it prompts reflections on the blurred lines between right and wrong, as well as the consequences of one's actions on others.

Plot Summary:
The film follows the young and charismatic Frank Abagnale Jr. as he masterfully cons his way through various professions, all the while staying one step ahead of FBI agent Carl Hanratty. As Abagnale's schemes grow bolder and more elaborate, Hanratty becomes increasingly obsessed with capturing him, leading to a high-stakes game of cat and mouse across multiple countries. Along the way, Abagnale forms a complex relationship with Hanratty, blurring the lines between criminal and pursuer.

Main Characters:
  • Frank Abagnale Jr.: A charming and intelligent young man who embarks on a series of elaborate cons to escape his troubled past and pursue a life of luxury.
  • Carl Hanratty: A dedicated FBI agent who becomes fixated on capturing Abagnale, seeing him as a worthy adversary and a puzzle to solve.
  • Paula Abagnale: Frank's mother, who struggles with her own demons and tries to protect her son despite his criminal activities.

  • Deception: The film explores the art of deception and the ways in which individuals can manipulate others through lies and disguises.
  • Identity: Frank Abagnale Jr. constantly reinvents himself, raising questions about the nature of identity and the masks we wear in society.
  • Pursuit of Dreams: Abagnale's cons are driven by a desire for success and a longing for a better life, highlighting the lengths people will go to achieve their aspirations.
  • Cat-and-Mouse Game: The dynamic between Abagnale and Hanratty is a central theme, showcasing the tension and intrigue of their evolving relationship as hunter and hunted.

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