dog food

Dog food is food specifically formulated and intended for consumption by dogs and other related canines. Dogs are considered to be omnivores with a carnivorous bias. They have the sharp, pointed teeth and shorter gastrointestinal tracts of carnivores, better suited for the consumption of meat than of vegetable substances, yet also have ten genes that are responsible for starch and glucose digestion, as well as the ability to produce amylase, an enzyme that functions to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars – something that obligate carnivores like cats lack. Dogs evolved the ability living alongside humans in agricultural societies, as they managed on scrap leftovers and excrement from humans.Dogs have managed to adapt over thousands of years to survive on the meat and non-meat scraps and leftovers of human existence and thrive on a variety of foods, with studies suggesting dogs' ability to digest carbohydrates easily may be a key difference between dogs and wolves.In the United States alone, the dog food market is expected to reach $23.3 billion by 2022.

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  1. S

    Best dog food for bully

    s may bully po jan anu po mganda dog food
  2. K

    Best dog food brand para sa mga shihtzu?

    yung mura lang po sana na dog food, treat and wetfood? if meron din po sa shopee pwede po malaman name ng pinabibilan niyo thanks
  3. U

    Magandang dog food

    Ano magandang dogfood na mabisa at mabilis tumaba aso kahit mamahalin
  4. E

    Yung aso namin nag ka ganito

    so tag ulan diba naka raang araw nakalabas sya tapos umuwi ng basa so wala lang tapos ngayaon 2 days di kumakain tapos nag ka ubo sya naka raang araw ngayon wala na parang sipon na lang kulang....ano kaya maganda nito?tapos baka may gamot nito na pweding iniksyon sa aso huhhu
  5. R

    Closed Dog Food Recommendations

    Hi po, may pet dog po ako pero ang hina niya po kumain. Sabi ng vet most probably sawa na raw po sa food niya. Ano pong ma-recommend niyong dog food na available sa Lazada?
  6. H


    Naaawa na kasi ko sa mga aso dito ang dami tapos di napapakain kasi konti lang tira tirang pagkain . Baka may alam kayobg murang recipe na madali lutuin pra nay mapakain nmn ako sa mga asong to kakaawa na kasi.
  7. P

    Closed Appetite booster for dogs?

    Anong magandang pampagana sa aso kumain yung mura lang? Ayaw kumain ng aso namin mag-2 days na. Tubig na lang iniinom nya. Salamat po mga boss/madam sa sasagot.
  8. A

    Closed Best dog food for a 3 month old pup

    Hello everyone, I just want to ask your opinion regarding the best dog food you've tried. I have a 3 month old sibe pup. Please comment lang mga dog lovers dyan. Your insights will be very much helpful. Thanks. Also, maganda rin sana yung d masyadong mahal. hahaha